Strategic Training Solutions


STRATEGIC TRAINING SOLUTIONS (STS) offers customized talent development training programs, human resource management consulting, and organizational development services.

STS offers highly experienced management consulting series for forward-thinking corporations, healthcare providers, hospitality companies, not for profit organizations, education institutions and growing small businesses.

STS engages with our clients to identify their specific workplace needs and desired learning outcomes to develop customized training curriculums and team-building activities. STS Customized Talent Development programs can be delivered as "stand alone" workshop sessions or combined to create a fully customized curriculum solution.

Building Respect in a Diverse Workplace

New York State has passed a new law that requires all employers to offer Sexual Harassment training every year, starting in 2019.

Are you compliant? For more information and to schedule a workshop or an initial review, contact Laura McNerney: or 914.761.7111.

STS Training Programs and Consulting Services:

Customized Training:

Leadership and Management Skills

Sales Strategies

Enhancing Communication

Customer Service

Human Resources Development

Consulting Services and Specialized Programs

Human Resource Consulting

Team Building Programs

Organizational Development Services

Everything DiSCĀ®


For more information contact Laura C. McNerney at (914) 761-7111 ext. 327 or click here.